Archive for ‘Financial Management’

October 22, 2010

The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for non-Financial Managers (by Edward Fields)

This is a book for businesspeople. All decisions in abusiness organization are made in accordance with how they will affect the organization’s financial performance and future financial health.

Whether your background is marketing, manufacturing, distribution, research and development, or the current technologies, you need financial knowledge and skills if you are to really understand your company’s decision-making, financial, and over all management processes. The budget is essentially a financial process of prioritizing the benefits resulting from business opportunities and the investments required to implement those opportunities. An improved knowledge of these financial processes a and the financial executives who are responsible for them will improve your ability to be an intelligent and effective participant.

Title: The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for non-Financial Managers

Author: Edward Fields from AMM (American Management Associations)

Pages: 299 pages



October 22, 2010

Econometric Analysis of Panel Data

Wiley | 314 PAGES | 2005-07-18 | ISBN:0470014563 | 1.5MB

This new edition of this established textbook reflects the rapid developments in the field covering the vast research that has been conducted on panel data since its initial publication. The book is packed with the most recent empirical examples from panel data literature, for example, a simultaneous equation on Crime will be added to chapter 7, which will be illustrated with STATA. Data sets will be provided as well as the programs to implement the estimation and testing procedures described in the book on the web site. Additional exercises will be added to each chapter and their solutions will be provided on the web site.
The text has also been fully updated with new material on dynamic panel data models and recent results on non-linear panel models and in particular work on limited dependent variables panel data models.


Source: this web

October 22, 2010

Guide to Financial Management

Guide to Financial Management

Publisher: Profile Books | Pages: 327 | 2008-06-01 | ISBN: 186197809X | PDF | 1 MB
Product Description:

With organizations driven to deliver on performance targets, managers are expected to make decisions fully understanding their financial consequences. Few nonfinancial specialists are prepared for these financial challenges.


October 22, 2010

Principles of Corporate Finance (Brealey/Myers

Brealey/Myers’ Principles of Corporate Finance is the worldwide leading text that describes the theory and practice of corporate finance. Throughout the book the authors show how managers use financial theory to solve practical problems and as a way of learning how to respond to change by showing not just how but why companies and management act as they do. The text is comprehensive, authoritative, and modern and yet the material is presented at a common sense level. The discussions and illustrations are unique due to the depth of detail blended with a distinct sense of humor for which the book is well known and highly regarded. This text is a valued reference for thousands of practicing financial managers.


October 22, 2010

Public Sector Resource Mobilization In Islam – Mahamoud A. Gulaid

Mahamoud A. Gulaid dari Islamic Development Bank menuliskan peran sektor publik dalam perspektif Islam dalam memobilisasi sumber daya pajak dan non-pajak. Pendapat Gulaid dapat kita baca dalam papernya yang berjudul Public Sector Resource Mobilization In Islam.

Gulaid membagi pembahasan topic ini dalam empat bagian. Bagian Pertama, membahas perspektif historis sektor publik Islam berlandaskan periode awal Islam. Termasuk dalam pembahasan ini dalah pemerintahan Madinah dari segi “mandate”, peran dan fungsi yang tentunya akan digunakan sebagai model untuk merancang masa depan negara Islam.  Bagian Kedua mengeksplorasi sifat dan pentingnya kegiatan sektor publik di masyarakat muslim kontemporer.

Bagian Ketiga mendiskusikan perbedaan metode aktivitas dan kebutuhan keuangan sektor publik kontemporer. Sumber pendapatan bagi keuangan sektor publik kontemporer juga dieksplorasi secara jelas berdasarkan pengalaman terdahulu di negara Islam. Dalam perspektif ini, Gulaid menyebutkan “each method is classified, according to its sources, into traditional and contemporary and on each the position of modern-day scholars is highlighted”. Pada Bagian Keempat, didiskusikan peran pentingnya sumber pendapatan pajak dan bukan pajak dalam membiayai kegiatan sektor publik. Isu-isu utama keuangan publik dalam ekonomi Islam kontemporer dibahas di akhir paper ini.


October 22, 2010

RUNNING TO RICHES Prinsip Universal Menuju Kekayaan dan Kebahagiaan”

Didik Wijaya menulis dengan gambang seputar jawaban pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas dalam sebuah ebook berjudul “RUNNING TO RICHES Prinsip Universal Menuju Kekayaan dan Kebahagiaan”. Jangan khawatir, ebook ini berbahasa Indonesia kok. ^_^. Buku ini diterbitkan Escaeva dan diperjualbelikan di toko-toko buku, namun karena kebaikan penulis, buku tersebut juga di-ebook-kan buat kita.

Dengan membaca ebook ini kita akan mengetahui bagaimana mencapai kekayaan dan apa yang kita lakukan setelah menerima kekayaan itu. Ebook ini dibahas dengan gaya bahasa yang sederhana dan dengan menggunakan analogi sederhana tentang seorang pelari. Ebook ini merupakan petunjuk universal  yang tidak hanya membahas pencarian tentang kekayaan, tetapi juga pencarian tentang makna kekayaan dan kebahagiaan.

Ebook ini merupakan perenungan dan pandangan tentang uang. Banyak dari prinsip di buku elektronik ini merupakan nilai yang sudah ada sejak dulu namun tetap relevan untuk masa kini.


October 21, 2010

Powerpoint -Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis, Eighth Edition – Schroeder etc


Schroeder – Accounting Theory


Book Title : Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis, Eighth Edition

Author(s) : Schroeder, Clarks, Cathey

Publisher : John Wiley & Sons

File size : 5.72 MB


October 20, 2010

Brigham & Houston: Fundamental of Financial Management

Buku manajemen keuangan karya Brigham dan Houston yang berjudul “Fundamentals of Financial Management” telah banyak dipakai sebagai acuan dalam pembelajaran manajemen keuangan di perbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Buku tersebut juga telah diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia, dan diterbitkan oleh Salemba Empat. Berikut ini adalah ebook “Fundamental of Financial Management” edisi kesepuluh.

Book Title : Fundamentals of Financial Management, 10th edition

Author(s) : Brigham, Houston

Publisher: Cengage Learning / South Western

Date Published : March 2003


October 20, 2010

Slide Public Finance and Public Policy

Berbagai teori dan aplikasi kebijakan ekonomi publik dewasa ini terus menjadi kajian yang menarik. Sejauh mana peran dan kebijakan pemerintah dalam area-area ekonomi publik menjadi pokok bahasan ekonomi publik dan kebijakan publik. Buku Public Finance and Public Policy karangan Gruber membahas praktik dan teori yang berkembang di USA dan telah banyak menjadi acuan di berbagai perguruan tinggi.


October 20, 2010

Cara mendownload Ebook!

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Happy hunting ebooks!